Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Prevention and treatment of hypertension is the key, and regular physical examination is very important

 Every patient with hypertension should initially master the basic knowledge of judging the severity of the disease, which is very helpful to improve the cure rate and prognosis. Regular monitoring of blood pressure to understand the changes in blood pressure, do a healthy physical examination is necessary

According to the stage, hypertension can be divided into three stages. The first stage refers to those who have reached the level of diagnosis of hypertension and have no clinical manifestations of heart, brain and kidney complications. The second stage refers to those who have reached the level of confirmed hypertension and have one of the following items: 1. Physical examination, X-ray, ECG or ultrasound examination show left ventricular hypertrophy; 2. Fundus examination show fundus artery narrowing; 3. Proteinuria and (or) elevated plasma creatinine concentration. The third stage refers to those whose blood pressure reaches the level of confirmed hypertension and has one of the following items: 1. Cerebrovascular accident or hypertensive encephalopathy; 2. Left heart failure; 3. Renal failure; 4. Fundus hemorrhage, exudation or papilledema. In the first stage, the disease was mild without organic injury; in the second stage, the disease was severe with organic injury, but its function was normal; in the third stage, the organ function was decompensated, indicating that the disease was serious.

Look at the diastolic blood pressure

Mild: diastolic blood pressure was 95-104mmhg

Moderate: diastolic blood pressure was 105-114mmhg

Severe: diastolic blood pressure > 115mmhg

According to the course of disease, therefore, the general course of disease less than 10 years (except for a small number of acute type) can be regarded as mild, if the disease is more than 20 years, the disease is more serious, especially found late diagnosis, has not been reasonable treatment.

Looking at the family history, if the patient's lineal blood relatives (especially parents and siblings) suffer from hypertension and die of stroke or other complications of hypertension in middle age or before middle age, they should be particularly vigilant.

If hypertension patients have coronary heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia and other diseases, it can accelerate the development of the disease, make the damage of important organs more obvious, and affect the choice of drugs for the treatment of hypertension, so it should be taken seriously. Under the guidance of the doctor, if the antihypertensive effect is still not ideal after the correct application of antihypertensive drugs, the blood pressure remains high, or sometimes high and low, and the blood pressure fluctuates greatly, this situation is prone to accidents, so we should take it seriously and ask the doctor to find out the reasons and adjust the drugs, so as to achieve satisfactory curative effect.

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Gold 2021-05-21

  Please be careful that the first breakout is always  fake breakout. And the second one is true. That is scareful.